Sita Sings the Blues by Nina Paley
- It's definitely a creative retelling; I'm curious as to what role the family scenes will play into the overall plot
- I feel like they glossed over the drama of Sita and Rama meeting, and the full drama of Rama's exile, as well as the role his brothers play in the overall story- are they in it at all?
- I like the dynamic of the three narrators, and their disagreements through banter highlighting inconsistencies in different versions of the tale- something I'd like to capture in my storybook
- The story of Ravana playing music with his intestines to honor a god I'd be curious to look into
- The focus is on Sita but right now I feel like it's more on her love for Rama than who she is herself- is that the only way she'll be identified? I guess that's how it is in the book too
- The reason for Hanuman's birth was solely to meet and help Rama
- Ravana only has 9 heads smh
Ravana with his 9 heads (Screencap from video) |
- I can definitely relate to the narrators' argument about why Sita didn't go with Haunman; I agree most with the female one that she was intentionally waiting for Rama as some sort of pride thing or glorifying him
- The dual experience of Sita singing "who's that knocking at my door" super happily with all the fighting in the background is interesting and part of the humor in this version for sure
- Why is rama always blue?
- why is Sita so loyal to him she needs to stand up for herself ("If you want the rainbow you must have the rain") something something love is a choice
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