Week 6 Story Lab: Creative Life

TED Talks:

A New Theory of Human Intelligence by Scott Barry Kaufman

  • Twice-exceptional children- extraordinary strengths and challenges 
  • Capacity vs competence: Using IQ as a measure
  • "Intelligence is the dynamic interplay of engagement and ability in pursuit of personal goals"
    • more holistic
    • ability increases with motivation (similar to the video I watched about dopamine)
  • When can achievement trump potential? (referring to when potential is measured as low, and becomes a limiting factor)
  • This guy is so cool- got himself into Carnegie Mellon via opera because his SAT scores were too low, then did super well and got a PhD from Yale about a new theory of intelligence 
  • Don't create a false dichotomy between ability and disability

  • Used songs in Sita Sings the Blues that weren't in the public domain (Annette Hanshaw)
  • Copyright doesn't give you more money, just the ability to suppress creativity
  • Doesn't benefit artists, the work, or the public
  • Culture is a neural network, "neurons" acting as communication between people
    • Culture kept alive by the flow of information
    • "Great mind" info moves from human to human, creating art and then culture
    • Innovation happens as info flows in and out of you, changing a little as it goes
    • This is literally the WaitButWhy article
  • Internal censorship is the enemy of creativity (copyright falls into this category)
  • Permission flows one-way: you aren't asked permission to be exposed to stuff (ex- Christmas music) even though you have to ask permission to then use it or reproduce it
  • Her goal is to avoid self-censoring by ignoring copyright but isn't that infringing on the artists' rights? Like what she's doing is ignoring the claims of others to their own work? 
    • I think the justification is that some of those artists are dead so it doesn't actually affect them?
    • Let illegal circulation of the copyright-infringed version show how superior it is? 
  • I liked the first half of the video but I'm not sure about her conclusion

Images: Below are screencaps taken from the article I mentioned earlier. It's depicting society as this giant network of brains, with information flowing between them. The colors of both the brain and the circle surrounding the brain represent an individual's internal thoughts and external voice, respectively. I drew a lot of parallels between the video and how this article depicted the flow of information, and the network of people, and its implications for society and culture. The video also talks a lot about censorship, as does this article, and how big of a deal it can have. 

Above: the information network working normally. Below: the information network with censorship
Source: WaitButWhy
