Wikipedia Trail: From "International Day of Peace" to "Cobdenism"

My Wikipedia began with the International Day of Peace, which is today, September 21st, as was pointed out by the class announcements for today.

I was curious about this one because I enjoy seeing what holidays or events are associated with specific days, as something my roommates and I kept up with last year on a whiteboard in our house (for example, the other day was National Talk Like a Pirate day). Additionally, the Google doodle today is about celebrating the pretzel, and I feel like acknowledging the Day of Peace is a little more important than pretzels.

After reading the article, I immediately went back up to the top where it said "Not to be confused with World Day of Peace" and I was curious what the distinction between these two nearly identical sounding titles was. I was surprised to learn that World Day of Peace is a Roman Catholic Feast Day, because I'm Catholic and go to church this day (January 1st) every year. I had always just heard it referred to as the "Solemnity of Mary."

The article wasn't very long, but it mentioned world peace, unsurprisingly, but I clicked on it because I was curious what the Wikipedia article to what seems to be a fairly self-explanatory concept. It defines world peace as "the concept of an idea state of happiness, freedom and peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth."

The Blue Marble, taken by the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972

As I read further, I was inspired to click the link to a concept I had never heard of before, cobdenism. It's an economic ideology of peace that says the key components for peace and prosperity are international free trade and a non-interventionist foreign policy. 
