Reading Notes: Mahabharata Karmic Revolution Part B

Epified: Mahabharata, Part B
Epified TV (India), 2015-206
Link to playlist

The concepts of Mantras I think are really interesting. It's a word that prevails in day to day use, but here it's taken way more seriously.
This episode's story/pacing is a bit slower than the earlier ones, it's nice
(story of Kunti having a child with the sun god because of the mantra)
What are sannyaas? Something with Pandu in the woods after being cursed
All of the stories so far are very focused on having children and heirs and sex
Why does she want to have each of her sons with different gods rather than just one? Just for the different gifts they can provide?
I liked hearing more about Pandu's family with Kunti and Madri and the five sons. Even if the story isn't super happy, it's nice to have the background a bit more
Ghandari had a horrible pregnancy, full of terrible dreams and visions. Finally. she gave birth to a large lump of putrid flesh that didn't have any life in them. The sage Vyasa kept his promise that she would have 100 sons by splitting the lump into 100 pieces and putting them in vats of oil and they grew into demonic children.
The start of the 100 brother's (Duryodhan) deviousness-trying to kill Bhima by drugging him and rolling him into a lake
The start of Bhima's fearlessness and strength--rather than drowning or being killed by snakes, he attacks the snakes. Meets the snake leader and gets a magic potion to become super strong and a hero. (Wasn't he already crazy strong because he killed all the snakes underwater?) Overall coming of age tale for Bhima
Intro to Drona-a ball landed down a well, and he pulled it out by launching a sequence of reeds down the well to form a rope and pull it back up.

Drona pulling the ball out of the well with reeds (Video screenshot)
I like all these little stories, and feel like they could all work for future writing posts with a little elaboration
Training montage
Story of Ekalavya- so good at shooting arrows he shushed a dog without hurting him. Trained by Drona (well, sort of. An image of him), a hunter/forest-dweller. Then Drona screwed him over by making him cut off his thumb?? This is horrible what the heck.
